About Us

About Us

Self Development Technical Training Academy


We Are Future Of Education

Self Development Technical Training Academy (SDTTA) is the national Training, Research, Consultancy and Education institute in the field of Law, Business, Income Tax, VAT and soft skill. It was established with an initial primary focus of providing training to the various officials and job seekers in order to strengthen and update their skills. Since then more and more individuals are trained.

The training is a process of learning a sequence of preset role and behaviour relevant to job performance and prepare a person to face the future for his or her bright future.

Key Points

  • We have established this academy keeping in line with the institutional education system and curriculum of the country.
  • Under this academy we have different types of trade courses of 3 and 6 months of Bangladesh Technical Education Board.
  • On the other hand, there are professional, IT and academic courses in terms of demand and reality.
  • Our overall activities will play an important role in the life of the country and the nation Optimistic and optimistic.
  • By acquiring the theoretical and practical knowledge of these courses, a person can reach the desired goal through his own and our overall efforts.
  • And so you are welcome in this academy to build a bright potential career in the distant future life.

Our main goal is to develop ourselves and accelerate the society by building a practical and practical life. Because the current era is very competitive. Therefore, we can expect that our hard work and dedication will be appreciated only if we can make any person who is practical, practical and timely.


Bangladesh is well known as a non-communal democracy. Our main objective is to make people of different professions irrespective of race, religion and caste in the light of work-oriented and well-educated. What any person achieves will spread all over the society at once. The air of its blossoming reflection will blow from time to time.

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Contact Us

  • info@sdttacademy.com
  • +880 1727546514
  • +880 1727546514 (Whatsapp)