Course Details

Online Tie-Dye Design

Tie-dye, which comes from the expression "tied and dyed," is a process that involves tying cloth with string or rubber bands to create patterns with a unique blend of shapes and contrasts. According to fashion designer Peter Wasp, expert in upcycling and natural dying, it's an opportunity to create wearable art while freely exploring the wonderful world of color.

Course Details

  • Batch No : 03
  • No Of Sessions : 7
  • Start Date : Upcoming
  • Course Medium : Online Zoom
  • Class Duration : 8:00PM - 9:30PM
  • Class Schedule :
  • Class Size : 50 Seats
  • Payment Deadline : 01-04-2025
  • Completed Courses : 72 Persons
  • Price : TK 310.00
  • (Including VAT & TAX)
  • Apply Now
  • Call Now : +880 1727-546514
#TIE_DYE_DESIGN 1200x400.jpg

Course Outline

Are you a housewife or a student? Want to be self-sufficient and earn? Want to be an entrepreneur? Want to make your own dress, your own home decor? Then this course is for you.

  • You will become an entrepreneur self-reliant, you can earn by making yourself proficient through proper practice according to which some basic methods of tie-dyeing will be taught on clothes.
  • Those who will take part in the course will be given assistance later. A link will be given to where the white cloth, dyes and chemicals of tie dye can be found.
  • Introduction of fabric dye chemicals required material
  • Use of VAT color and Prussian color. How to make a complete product by applying multiple colors and designs on the same fabric.
  • Provide Tidy's PDF notes at the end of the class.
  • Discussion and Q&A session on various details of Tie-dey.

Are you a housewife or a student? Want to be self-sufficient and earn? Want to be an entrepreneur? Want to make your own dress, your own home decor? Then this course is for you.

  • You will become an entrepreneur self-reliant, you can earn by making yourself proficient through proper practice according to wh ....

About Online Tie-Dye Design

The phrase "tie-dye" is used to designate a variety of resist dyeing methods and the colored materials that are produced as a result of these methods. In order to create a tie-dye effect, a fabric or garment is often folded, twisted, pleated, or crumpled before being bound with string or rubber bands and then dyed. Resists are the adjustments made to the cloth before the dye is applied because they partially or entirely stop the dye from coloring the fabric. Additional stages may be required for more complex tie-dyes, such as an initial dye application prior to the resist, several consecutive dyeing and resist steps, and the use of additional resists (such as stitching, stencils, and discharge).


Tapasi Rani Debi
MSS (Social Welfare) 
(Former Rover, Government Gurudayal College, Kishoreganj) 
Self Development Technical Training Academy
Nijhum Vila, R K Mission Road, Dhaka.




  • Question: What is Tie-Dye Design? 
    Answer: Dyeing or coloring of fabric by tie method is called tie-dye. As a result of tying the fabric, a design is created by combining dyed and non-dyed parts, this is tie-dye.
  • Question: What is the importance of tie and dye? 
    Answer: Tie-dye is a craft that is widely practiced in many parts of the world. As an indigenous craft it could be used to forge local identity in the form of dress code. This is especially true for Africa, and Nigeria where Adire, an important Yoruba died cloth, is a product of the tie-die technique.
  • Question: Who is famous for tie-dye? 
    Answer: Hugo Pineda is widely considered the premier tie-dye artist on the scene today. With each wring and fold, he continues to develop the infinite possibilities of the art of tie-dye.

What you'll learn

  • How to Tie cloths for Dying.
  • How to Dye
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Fashion Design
  • Textile Design
  • Textile Dyeing

Course Materials

  • PDF
  • Video
  • Excel File
  • Lecture Sheet

Participant Qualification

Any one

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  • +880 1727546514
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